Tight Fitness Solutions Kortum Drive, Burleigh Heads 0422 331 029

Sports Specific and Athletic Performance

Did you know that most athletes will NEVER reach their true athletic potential strictly because their training regimens are ineffective.

Do you follow a typical body building style program to improve your performance on the sports field or court?

WHY would you train like a body builder if you are NOT a body builder, YOU are an athlete with potential, SO why not train like one.

YOU WILL develop freakish levels of strength, power and speed that will dominate your opponents when you train with structure and protocols that are scientifically backed. Your presence will be FELT and noticed on the sports field or court.


Tight Fitness Solutions is a ‘Strength & Performance’ centre that is perfect for the development of up and coming, professional and semi professional athletes. If you want to take your ability to tremendous new levels in both on and off seasons, the TFS Strength and Performance centre was designed for the development of athletic individuals like you.

At Tight Fitness Solutions we understand that an athletes body is put under an immense amount of physical stress. This is why we use systems that concentrate on ‘prevention is better than a cure..’. We know you cannot play injured.. PERIOD! With this in mind we operate with great emphasis on rehabilitation procedures in order to prevent problems and injuries before they can occur. ‘Progressive, Sports Specific’ training and coaching programs that properly address structural and muscular imbalances and make the body as impervious as possible to the inevitable knocks, blocks, and sprains that occur on the field of play.

In accordance our Strength and Performance centre has been designed with this in mind.


Structural Balance

Deducting a weakness is the most effective arsenal to improve athletic performance. This is what separates TFS from other, under qualified, personal trainers. Personalisation is key when designing a performance program for an athlete. Without assessing you are only guessing.

Do you want to leave your performance to chance.. NO?.. then keep reading.

With a detailed structural balance test we can target what muscle’s are weak and what muscle’s are strong, what muscle are causing you to receive pain in certain movements, what muscles are detrimental to your flexibility & Performance and what muscles are leaving you open for injury. Remember you are as only as strong as your weakest link! Here at TFS, all of our athletes are screened using a” structural balance” assessment. This system, pioneered by world-renowned strength and conditioning authority Charles Poliquin, allows us to test strength and function around all the major joints of the body. We can then assess, based on their relationship, which muscle groups may be weak, overly shortened, inactive, or overdeveloped in relation to their antagonistic or synergistic counterparts. This information allows for the design of a highly personalized, comprehensive training program, which forms the basis of our training system depending on the particular movement patterns of the sport.

By individually testing each athlete we can determine the approach of the training program and duration that will have to be undertaken to ensure the individual is structurally  strong, powerful, injury free and faster than their opponents.


This consists of a health and fitness questionnaire where we learn not just the hard facts of your previous Sports Training experience, sports specific goals and medical history, but also seek to understand exactly what motivates you in the pursuit of on field success.

We also undertake an extensive body composition analysis whereby we calculate body fat percentages and take height and weight statistics so as to benchmark ongoing progress.


Structural, postural, and muscular balance testing

We find your weaknesses & strengths and how they can be addressed for a healthy, functional and injury free Sports Specific Training.

Developed by the one of the world’s best known physical therapists, Gray Cook, this consists of a functional movement screen with the following tests:

1) Deep Overhead Squat

2) Hurdle Step

3) In-Line Lunge

4) Active Straight Leg Raise

5) Seated Rotation



Using methods of the modified Thomas test, we look at the lower extremities and active vs. passive ROM (Range of Motion). Testing movement through the internal and external rotators of the hip, Length of the rectus femoris and hip flexors, glute and medial and lateral heads of the hamstring.

Muscle fiber testing:

Are you fast twitch or slow twitch, how many repetitions are ideal for your body type? This is of particular importance when it comes to sports training for maximum athletic performance. Different muscle fibers (and their relevant training protocols) can be better suited for endurance work (slow twitch fibers) or speed and power work (fast twitch fibers).

We test you on several key major resistance exercises such as Bench Press, Chin up, Step up, and Scott Curl calculating your 1 repetition maximum load and then applying specific formulae to assist in calculating muscle fiber type and the structural balance of key supporting musculature such as the rotator cuff and vastus medialis. This is to ensure the long-term integrity of your body’s muscles and soft tissue, keeping you healthy and on the playing field, and not on the physio’s table!


Once we have deducted what areas we need to move forward in, we can develop a program that will improve.

1)    Speed /Agility/ Flexibility.

2)    Maximum Endurance/ Maximal Strength Composition

3)    Explosive Power and Dynamic movement

4)    Postural alignment

5)    Muscle imbalance correction and injury prevention

6)    Optimal Body Composition

7)    Nutrition Strategies for optimal performance


It’s no secret that young players, particularly those who are signed straight out of high school are often woefully unprepared – both physically and mentally – for the rigors of professional sport. Unfortunately Australia is about 10 years behind the USA and other such countries when it comes to the physical development of our young athletes. In fact, most of the time, a strength training program is more of an afterthought, introduced late into the athlete’s career when it’s too late to be of any use.
Training at TFS gives athlete’s a competitive advantage in knowing that they’ve worked harder and smarter than any of their counterparts in the lower grades. This not only makes them stand out physically when compared to their fellow competitors, but gives them added confidence in knowing that they’ve outworked their peers during the off-season and are now the best version of themselves that has ever existed.

Only a select few players will ever make it to the big leagues. We, however, strongly feel that we are in a position to set more players up for this long-term success by placing tremendous focus on off-season training and nutrition for the sake of their health and physical development.



I have been lucky enough to play rugby union and league at a high and professional level over the last 13 years. Canberra raiders premier league. (NRL) Pro D2 rugby, France.

I have been all over the world playing rugby, It wasn’t until 3 years ago, when I started to train with Tyrone at tight fitness solutions that I was able to harness my full potential and have my body firing on all cylinders. Being at the end of my rugby career, starting to plateau and becoming one dimensional, it was Tyrone that boosted my performance by combining advanced knowledge and training techniques that are second to none. Tyrone showed commitment and professionalism in every step of the way increasing my over all strength, speed and power along with guidance with my diet. Tyrone is an amazing trainer and I was blessed to be trained by one of the best in the business.

Wade Grintell

Canberra Raiders Player (NRL) And Australian Representative for Rugby League

Karina Testimonial

Karina “Goose” Brown

Australian Jillaroos Winger, QLD Full back, Burleigh Bears Full back (captain)

I approached Tyrone to help with my preparation for the selection testing to become an Australian Defense Force Physical Training Instructor (PTI) because of his advanced strength and sport specific training knowledge. I already held a cert IV in Fitness, level 1 Strength and Conditioning and experience in the fitness industry, so I was definitely not a rookie, however his Poliquin accreditations are some of most credible qualifications in the strength and conditioning world.

Some testing components to get onto PTI course include, relative strength, endurance, power, speed, agility, climbing and scaling, gymnastics, hand eye co ordination, sporting ability, anatomy, physiology, programming, and exercise physiology (and more). Once selected I spent 6 long, cold months at HMAS CERBERUS Victoria undergoing more academic and physical assessments, as well as punishment burpees…So many burpees.

Tyrone helped me program my physical training pre selection and post selection leading up to PTI course, as well as academically throughout the course, with advanced sport specific programming assignments. As a result I topped all Air Force members on the selection, scoring 2nd out of both Airforce and Navy. I was also awarded the Air Command Award on PTI course for the Air Force student of merit, and all this injury free. I have little respect for most civilian personal trainers, they lack credibility and value, they add very little to an important industry. Tyrone is definitely more than just a PT.

Shawn Murphy

Australian Defence Force Physical Training Instructor (PTI)

Ruben Douglas

Brisbane Strikers Player

Tyrone is one of the best trainers I have ever worked with.

Chad Grintell

North Queensland NRL Cowboys

Strength coach Tyrone Jensen helped me achieve gold at the Queensland titles. Not only did I Vincente win gold in my weight division for black belt, I also took out the open black belt division and no GI submission division. Taking 3 titles in one day. TFS athletes do it all day long.

Vicente Cavalcanti is a multiple Brazilian & Australian Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Title holder and BJJ Black Belt.

Vicente Cavalcanti

Head BJJ Coach & Owner of Southside BJJ

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