Injury & Rehabilitation
Tight Fitness can tailor packages for all manors of Postural Problems including:
As well as injury related problems:
Knee Pain
Shoulder Pain
Back Pain

Bulging Disk Results
Regan’s Story
I started training with Tyrone at Tight Fitness Solutions in March 2017, focusing on rehabilitation for a lower back injury. My lower back problem was the result of a bulging disc that caused sciatic nerve pain to run from my lower back down my left leg and into my foot.
Over a period of 8 months prior to working with Tyrone I had tried different avenues to resolve my issue where I had some progress, but still incurred pain and did not feel comfortable or strong in my lower back area. I was taking anti-inflammatory tablets everyday to cope with the pain and could not sit-down without the pain increasing, I was able to stand, walk, and lay down.
It has now been just over 4 months working with Tyrone and I am almost feeling 100 per-cent again, I experience very little to no pain, from week to week I feel stronger and more comfortable in my lower back area, and I was able to eliminate any use of anti-inflammatory tablets with in the first six weeks. Tyrone is very knowledgeable in his field of work providing great support and assistance in ensuring every exercise is preformed correctly to ensure an optimal recovery.
I am gob smacked with the results thus far and it is a great feeling knowing that with every session I am one step closer to getting my health back to 100 per-cent.
Grade 1 Spondylolisthesis Of The Vertebrae (L4-L5)
Jen’s Story
Hey there, my name’s Jen and I’m in my mid-40’s…
Just a little bit into my background… In my mid 20’s I unfortunately hurt my back and after getting x-rays, it was discovered I had grade 1 spondylolisthesis of my vertebrae (L4-L5), basically my L4 vertebrae had slipped 20% forward over my L5, I was absolutely devastated! I started going to chiropractors, physios and then osteopaths. I had the most success with Osteos but nevertheless I still had at least once or twice a year for the last 20 years where my back would get so bad that I would need to take time off work to recover. All the health professionals I saw over this period stated that I should be extremely cautious of ever lifting heavy things….
I’ve been a technician in all that time and after years of carrying ladders, getting in and out of vans, lifting pits I also managed to get a dodgy knee.
About 3 years ago, I got to a point where I was extremely unhappy with my fitness level, hated my body shape, and my mental health was suffering. I was at a loss as to where I should start, I knew I didn’t want to go to a typical gym as I had tried that a couple of times before and within a couple of months I had gotten bored from doing the “stock-standard” program they spit out and gave it up.
I started searching the internet using different terms like, injury, personal trainer, fat loss, strength and over and over again I would come across Tight Fitness Solutions. After literally 2 months of research, I finally bit the bullet and called up Tyrone. After meeting with him, I decided to give it a go. All this was new to me, and being a pretty reserved personality type I was still unsure how I would go in this environment. Looking back now, I don’t know what I was so apprehensive about. Tyrone is amazing, he honestly cares about people and helping them achieve their goals. The gym is great and the people that attend are friendly and its always a fun vibrant environment to be in.
My goals were to resolve my injuries, get stronger, lose fat and feel better. In 3 years, I can honestly say I have achieved all those things. The first thing I noticed about Ty is his attention to addressing people’s individual issues. Mine being my back and knee, I won’t lie…it was a slow process, maybe even close to a year of doing rehab style programs but I don’t regret one moment because from that I am now stronger, fitter and pain free for the first time in close to 20 years.
Ty writes a specific program for me every 3-6 weeks so I never get bored. He is also extremely attentive to people’s everyday life issues. As an example, last year I had a traumatic incident where a close friend of mine died and Ty decided to change my program (which at the time involved heavy lifting) to a program that still had mHey there, my name’s Jen and I’m in my mid-40’s…
Just a little bit into my background… In my mid 20’s I unfortunately hurt my back and after getting x-rays, it was discovered I had grade 1 spondylolisthesis of my vertebrae (L4-L5), basically my L4 vertebrae had slipped 20% forward over my L5, I was absolutely devastated! I started going to chiropractors, physios and then osteopaths. I had the most success with Osteos but nevertheless I still had at least once or twice a year for the last 20 years where my back would get so bad that I would need to take time off work to recover. All the health professionals I saw over this period stated that I should be extremely cautious of ever lifting heavy things….
I’ve been a technician in all that time and after years of carrying ladders, getting in and out of vans, lifting pits I also managed to get a dodgy knee.
About 3 years ago, I got to a point where I was extremely unhappy with my fitness level, hated my body shape, and my mental health was suffering. I was at a loss as to where I should start, I knew I didn’t want to go to a typical gym as I had tried that a couple of times before and within a couple of months I had gotten bored from doing the “stock-standard” program they spit out and gave it up.
I started searching the internet using different terms like, injury, personal trainer, fat loss, strength and over and over again I would come across Tight Fitness Solutions. After literally 2 months of research, I finally bit the bullet and called up Tyrone. After meeting with him, I decided to give it a go. All this was new to me, and being a pretty reserved personality type I was still unsure how I would go in this environment. Looking back now, I don’t know what I was so apprehensive about. Tyrone is amazing, he honestly cares about people and helping them achieve their goals. The gym is great and the people that attend are friendly and its always a fun vibrant environment to be in.
My goals were to resolve my injuries, get stronger, lose fat and feel better. In 3 years, I can honestly say I have achieved all those things. The first thing I noticed about Ty is his attention to addressing people’s individual issues. Mine being my back and knee, I won’t lie…it was a slow process, maybe even close to a year of doing rehab style programs but I don’t regret one moment because from that I am now stronger, fitter and pain free for the first time in close to 20 years.
Ty writes a specific program for me every 3-6 weeks so I never get bored. He is also extremely attentive to people’s everyday life issues. As an example, last year I had a traumatic incident where a close friend of mine died and Ty decided to change my program (which at the time involved heavy lifting) to a program that still had me attending the gym and working out but it wasn’t so taxing on me mentally.
I can’t thank Ty enough for all his commitment and encouragement because now…..I lift some real heavy weights, (squat 122.5kgs, bench 70kgs, deadlift 150kgs)
I haven’t been to a physio or osteo for my back in over 2 years, I have no knee pain, I have lost about 8% body fat, I am heaps fitter and the strongest I have ever been but the biggest bonus is that I feel good about myself.
What I probably want to achieve next is some more fat loss and bigger arms! I know that’s not a usual thing that a female may want but I’m sure Ty can will help me to achieve what I want.
Thanks for all your hard work Ty, wish I had discovered you sooner e attending the gym and working out but it wasn’t so taxing on me mentally.
I can’t thank Ty enough for all his commitment and encouragement because now…..I lift some real heavy weights, (squat 122.5kgs, bench 70kgs, deadlift 150kgs)
I haven’t been to a physio or osteo for my back in over 2 years, I have no knee pain, I have lost about 8% body fat, I am heaps fitter and the strongest I have ever been but the biggest bonus is that I feel good about myself.
What I probably want to achieve next is some more fat loss and bigger arms! I know that’s not a usual thing that a female may want but I’m sure Ty can will help me to achieve what I want.
Thanks for all your hard work Ty, wish I had discovered you sooner
Touch Footy Injury

Sam Chambers Story
In May 2012 I injured my knee playing touch football. After an MRI I was told I had completely ruptured my LCL and my Biceps Femoris (hamstring). After surgery in June I was told I had a minimum 6 months of rehab before engaging in any high impact sport.
During the next few months I did my best with the physio and biking to improve my range of movement however could not get back to where I wanted. I approached Ty from Tight Fitness Solutions in November and employed his services to improve my strength, range of movement and mobility in my leg before moving to Indonesia.
Within just one month I felt I had gained the strength and mobility I couldn’t achieve on my own. The best decision I made after my injury was to employ Ty’s services and experience in injury rehabilitation and would recommend the same for anyone else.
Ruptured Disc

Aida Einrem Gjone’s Story
I have been a member of 8 gyms on the Gold Coast in a 10 year period and tried about a dozen personal trainers, some better than others but none of them really worth the high fees most of these trainers charge.
I have over the years struggled with a few injuries and I ruptured a disk in my back in 2008. Every time I have mentioned any of my injuries or back issues to a personal trainer, they have tried to avoid any exercises that affect the areas.
When I talked to Tyrone the first time I instantly realised that he was so much more knowledgeable than any other trainer I have ever come across. Instead of avoiding the weak areas he’s targeting them, and he is the first trainer to give me exercises to strengthen my lower back. I have only been with TFS for about 3 months, but have never been happier with any gym/trainer and already feel so much stronger than when I started.
Broken Back
I am a 31 year old guy. I have a major back injury that I sustained as a 15yr old where I received 3 compound fractures of my spine and four crushed vertebra.
Even though I had gone through years of physio and strengthening, I was still not in good shape. I had very limited mobility and strength, I could not bend down and touch past my knees, I had a quite pronounced curve in my upper back due to my injuries and my cardio fitness was nonexistent.
Due to my inability to exercise without pain Tyrone had his work cut out for him. To top that off my lifestyle up to that point was really not to be desired, but he was unfazed.
By using Tyrone’s system of strength and flexibility training I felt stronger and more flexible within 3 weeks. His invaluable knowledge, lifestyle advice and driving motivation helped me within 15 weeks to lift nearly 4 times the weight I could when I started. For the first time in 16 years, I had a straight and pain free back and now, believe it or not, I can back squat 60kg. This from someone that had 3 compound fractures of the spine and four-crushed vertebra. I couldn’t even lift a 20kg bag of salt into my pool.
I would urge anyone thinking about employing Tyrone as their personal trainer, to just do it. He really can change your life, I’m proof.
Jason Molle
Injury & Heart Disease

Carl’s Story
I have been asked to share my journey for a healthier life style with you guys from the team that have brought me this far in a short time, not for the reason of showing off but in hope that it will help the next person work that little harder to achieve their goals or make that huge step to turn their life around for the better.
The first step towards my healthier life came from both injury and a family history of heart disease, with an operation on my Lower back in 2010 from a collapsed disk and then following up with a scan at the start of 2011 revealed the disk above in the L4-L5 had started to collapse as well with arthritis in the facet joints on the same level the only choice from a medical point of view was a 2 level fusion or double disk replacement it was time to make a hard decision either push through the pain to try to strengthen my body up or have the surgery and risk not being able to work and do the physical sports with my son as he grows up. I took the harder but wiser choice I started training with the team.
The first month was intense but the team pushed me through the pain barriers guiding me to ensure I did not cause any further injury to my fragile back. I started to see both physical and strength results and decided to take it one step further and see Joseph for Nutrition training to clean up my eating habits and set my future up for a hope of a long life with my family as heart disease and cancer had taken both my parents at a young age.
What has followed in the last 4 months has been amazing, my body has been pushed to new limits and my overall health has increased each week with the ability to completely come off anti-inflammatory and pain meds after 2 years of constant use for over a month with very little pain in my back now, I have lost over 12kg 7% body fat and been able to stop taking somac for reflux problems.
I have only scratched the surface now of what I want to achieve in strength and body fat % goals and with close to no pain and more strength I am able to push my self harder and let the team throw any thing at me that they can I won’t back down from it.
So if you are thinking about making that step into a healthier life or just can’t get that motivation I suggest you find your real focus of why you want to achieve that goal of either less pain or more confidence or just well being and don’t loose site of it because in those times that its hard to push through or resist that bad food its this focus that will get you through. And remember the harder you work at it that harder the team will work with you to achieve your goals.
Doug’s Story

Dowell’s Broken Back
Dowell Williams Story
Four years ago in December I had an unfortunate accident and broke my back.
I completely shattered my L1 vertebra and required major surgery. The surgery involved the removal of the shattered vertebra, removal of a rib, replacing the vertebra with a donor femur and fusing the bones with titanium rods. I went from being a healthy 81kg to a mere 68kg in 12 days. At 187cm I had lost a lot of muscle mass and was extremely weak and fatigued easily doing small tasks such as taking a shower.
Two years later I received a present, which was training with Tyrone at Tight Fitness Solutions. The initial reason for the training was just to restore strength to my core to help stabilize my spine as the area caused me a great deal of pain due to the weakness of the muscles. Within a very short period of time I saw massive improvements in my back.
I attribute this to Tyrone’s knowledge of injury rehabilitation and his ability to adapt it to suit my needs.
It has now been almost 4 years since I broke my back, and almost 2 years since I began training with Tyrone and I am nearly back to my 81kg, My back pain is minimal, I still get pain every now and again but it is nothing compared to what it used to be. I no longer require painkillers to manage the pain. My strength has improved significantly and I am lifting heavier weights than before I had my accident.
I highly recommend Tyrone to anyone who has had a serious injury and if you’re sitting there thinking that you just have to deal with pain, I’m here to tell you that you don’t. Strength training has been instrumental in my recovery and I look forward to what my future training brings.
Dowel Williams
Injury Proof
Brad’s Story
I have been training with TIGHT FITNESS SOLUTIONS for over 18 months and have found myself getting stronger and stronger with a higher level of fitness.
I was prone to shoulder injuries, tennis elbow and muscle strains before training with Tyrone but due to his expertise in specific individual training programs, he has helped me injury proof my body and achieve a high level of fitness not seen since high school, plus strength gains I thought I would never, ever achieve in my wildest dreams.
If your an athlete looking towards performing at your peak in your chosen sport then you should contact Tyrone at TIGHT FITNESS SOLUTIONS today, you won’t be disappointed and you will be achieving things you never thought possible
Brad Raw District /regional Field Hockey Player

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