Tight Fitness Solutions Kortum Drive, Burleigh Heads 0422 331 029

Do you get LOWER BACK pain from being an office worker or having to sit all day for your job?

Do you consistently have pain in your lower back when you are sitting?

Below is what commonly happens to our spine when we are sitting and we have weak or imbalanced postural muscles. The muscles in our lower and upper back are not working to together to support our spine.

Long hours at a desk or sitting will cause us to slouch at our desk with little on no indication until the lower back starts to give us issues.

Neck pain



Lower back issues are all common complaints that people suffer from when working long hours at a desk or sitting.

But how to we offer a solution?

Keep Reading!


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When we sit our hamstrings and hip flexor muscles shorten and stay in a shortened state until we stand and offer extension.

When the hip flexors muscle group, Iliopsoas, TFL, Rectus Femoris, Gluteus Muscles, Adductors, Sartorius are in a shortened state as well as the hamstring group Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, and Biceps Femoris.

This puts our pelvis in an excessive contracted position, causing our pelvis to want shift and tilt like the skeletal picture above.

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Excessive posterior tilt can cause pressure on the lower disks in the back causing discomfort or pain by putting excessive pressure points on the sacrum of the spine.

Most of the time this issue of excessive posterior tilt can be caused by a weakness and over extension of the lower back muscles and we need to teach the muscles to be stronger to offer a balance of flexion to extension.

The lower back is a complex range of muscles and need to be addressed in a specific manner.

So putting together a detailed corrective program is always a good idea.

Below are 2 corrective exercises to help strengthen the lower back and stabilise the pelvis and lower abdominals so both muscles groups that involve flexion and extension work together, we use these exercises at Tight Fitness Solutions to help people with above issues. And the Do’s and Don’ts of the particular corrective exercises.



Continuing on with the added pressure on the sacrum of the spine this also contributes to increased Kyphosis: Or Forward head posture or UCS

(Upper Cross Syndrome)

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Forward head posture/Kyphosis or Upper Crossed Syndrome

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Upper Crossed Syndrome is described as a muscular imbalance pattern that affects the position of the head, shoulder girdle and spine.

UCS is usually developed due to postural repetition and is commonly found in individuals who work at a computer station for a prolonged period of time that exhibit poor posture.

The muscular imbalance is the tightness and shortening of the upper trapezius, levator scapular, sternocleidomastoid and pectoralis muscles, and reciprocal weakness and lengthening of the deep cervical flexors, lower trapezius and serratus anterior.

So to keep it simple, the neck muscles and the anterior shoulder and chest muscles.

Signs and Symptoms of UCS:

  • Forward head carriage
  • Hunching of the thoracic spine (rounded upper back)
  • Elevated and protracted shoulder blades (winging of scapular)
  • Decreased mobility of thoracic spine
  • Reduced shoulder stability
  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Tightness between the shoulder blades
  • Lower back issues

These are all common when people with UPS come in to see us at Tight Fitness Solutions.


Below are 2 correctional exercises we use to help people with above issues:


1. Upper Thoracic extension with foam roller (This will help improve mobility in the upper thoracic)



2. Prone Behind the neck Broomstick press, with Lower Trap Activation and Wide Pronated Seated row with 4 sec contraction



Mobility and correctional movements are essential for a strong body.

At Tight Fitness Solutions we offer a high-end service for the next level person wanting to achieve a better solution.

Ph: 0422 33 1029


Without correct movement patters, dysfunction occurs and eventually pain will set in, and injury will commonly follow.

Exercise is movement and if you don’t have a functional movement pattern you will most commonly end up with pain and dysfunctional pattern, which will most, always cause discomfort and injury in the future.

Tight Fitness Solutions offers a wide range of services including remedial mobility and strengthening programming for injury and postural correction.

Contact us today to secure an appointment time to discuss your needs today.


Tyrone Jensen

“ Fit, Healthy & Strong”


Tyrone’s Qualifications Include:

  • Cert IV Personal Trainer – (Pt Academy VIC) 2007
  • T Effective Movement Trainer – (Pt Academy VIC) 2007
  • Charles Poliquin PICP Level 1 – Oct 2009 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin PICP Level 2 – Oct 2009 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin BioSignature Level 1 – Nov 2009 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin P.I.M.S.T – Oct 2009 & 2012 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin Bio Signature – July 2011 (Queensland, Australia) 
  • Lv 1 Glen Pendlay Weight Lifting Coach Olympic lifting – Aug 2012 (Brisbane, Australia)
  • Lv 2 Glen Pendlay Weight Lifting Coach Olympic lifting – Aug 2012 (Brisbane, Australia)
  • Strength Coach Level 1 – Australian Strength and Conditioning Association – August 2011 (Brisbane, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin Hypertrophy Bootcamp semi-private internship – July 2012 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Metabolic nutritionist – 2012
  • Lv 1 Metabolic Precision Transformation Specialist – 2012 (Online certification)
  • Charles Poliquin PICP Level 3 – Oct 2012 (Rhode Island, United States)
  • Charles Poliquin PICP Level 4 – Oct 2012  (Rhode Island, United States)
  • Charles Poliquin F.A.T Facial Abrasion Technique – Dec 2012 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Milos Sarcev 3 day Muscle Camp – Feb 2013 (Queensland, Australia)
  • How to train the female physic competitor – Clean Health Internship March 2013 (Sydney, Australia)
  • Charles Poliquin Bio Signature – April 2013 (Queensland, Australia)
  • Andre Benoit Hypertrophy Academy – April 2014 (Gold Coast, Australia)
  • Strength System Lv1 – December 2015 (Australia)
  • Muscle Nerds Fat Loss Seminar Lv1 – February 2015 (Gold Coast, Australia)
  • Poliquin Group Bio Signature Lv2 – March 2015 (Sydney, Australia)
  • Strength System Lv 2 – January 2016 (Brisbane, Australia)
  • Muscle Nerds Fat Loss Seminar Lv1 & Lv 2 – November 2016 (Melbourne, Australia)