Back Pain in office workers
Do you get LOWER BACK pain from being an office worker or having to sit all day for your job? Do you consistently have pain in your lower back when you are sitting? Below is what commonly happens to our spine when we are sitting and we have weak or imbalanced postural...
Do you suffer knee pain? Rehabbing Patella tendonitis
Do you suffer knee pain? Rehabbing Patella tendonitis Recently and over the years I have been over come with people coming to me needing to rehab certain injuries. Some from having surgery, some due to lifestyle practices where they are experiencing pain in certain...
3 Healthy ways to help make a change for a healthier you
3 Healthy ways to help make a change for a healthier you It is a very common practice these days for people to associate weight loss with health. Just because you are skinny does not mean you have low body fat, Just because you weigh less does not mean you have less...