Tight Fitness Solutions Nutritional Evaluations and Consultations
Nutrition is one of the most complex parts when it comes to health, weight loss, changing body composition, reducing inflammation and improving mental clarity and all over feeling healthy on the inside and out and getting the body beach ready.
The foods we eat dictate and can adversely affect what we are trying to achieve.
Foods and nutrition can have a massive effect on how our body functions and bio chemically reacts related to hormones and how our body can perform certain daily tasks that keep us healthy and lean.
Hormone disruption
Weight loss and Weight gain
Cognitive Function
Gut Health
Blood glucose control
Hormone efficiency
Stress response
Blood Pressure
Are all bio chemical reactions that are affected and occur when we eat certain foods some foods have an adverse reaction and some foods have a positive reaction to our health and personal goals related to health performance, weight loss and body composition.
But everyone is different, we all have a different bio chemistry make up and all have different issue that may need addressing related to food and nutrition that will help us achieve the health physical appearance inside and out. We need to be healthy first then you will look good.
Low carb
High carb
Zone diet
Intermitted fasting
The list goes on and on………. And it can be very confusing.
They are all diet style plans that seem to be popular, but all fail to address the importance of health and longevity.
Not one diet style is suitable for everyone for the rest of their life.
We all have different nutrient needs at different time of our life.
Nutritionally speaking and nutrient dependant on what functions we want our body to perform. And what we need out body to perform to give us the desired outcome we wish to achieve with our body.
So, understanding and what is appropriate at the right time is where guidance is needed.
Gut health
All come into play when you’re looking at the bigger picture.
At Tight Fitness Solutions, we understand that everyone is not the same and cookie cutter plans are not the answer a detailed approach is needed to get the desired result.
Through detailed assessments and through our Bio Signature consultations/Nutritional Advisory and digestive appraisals we take the guesswork out of your nutrition planning.
All these factors below have a massive effect on your ability to be healthy and lose body fat effectively and efficiently.
This is why Tight Fitness Solutions nutrition consultations are based on the detailed approaches below:
1. Life Style appraisal
Though a life style systems assessment questionnaire, we can appropriately discover what are the missing links in your lifestyle patterns that are going to help you achieve your individual results, what you are doing right and what you need to improve day to day can be the strongest link in the chain to improving bodily functions and natural hormone response related to health and fat loss.
2. Neuro transmitter support dominance and deficiency
The Braverman test (also known as the Braverman assessment) is a subjective analysis of your brain neurotransmitters to see a snapshot of your dominant and deficient chemicals.
The best part of the Braverman test is the emphasis on your individuality and unique brain chemistry.
The reality is, some nootropics work for some people and some don’t. For genetic and environmental reasons, we all have slightly different brain chemistries, which is why detailed approach to offering an educated result is needed to help boost brain function.
Brain function related to sleep, stress, motivation and drive.
The Braverman neurotransmitter imbalance quiz is simply True / False questioner that will take anywhere between 15-20 minutes to complete.
(This will be supplied as a take home assessment)
As the test explains, once you are finished you will have a Dominant nature where your brain chemicals are normal or elevated and a deficient nature, which needs dietary and supplemental support. This will assist us in a detailed plan to improve your neural capability’s related to drive, motivation, sleep and stress response.
Because the test is subjective, we will not break it down into particular parts, this will be explained in your nutrition consulting.
3. Digestion Appraisal and analysis, HCL TEST and digestive enzyme support
Stomach health and assimilation of nutrients and inflammation all go hand in hand together.
It is very important that you should maintain the health of your digestive system by consuming only the healthiest foods.
In today’s day, we are currently battling stresses we were not exposed to 50 years ago, this is having a massive effect on digestive function.
Nearly all clients that come to us complain of one digestive issue or another and can all be placed back to stress response, inflammation and improper digestion patterns.
Food quality, poor quality soil and nutrients and fluoride consumption in our water is drastically aiding in our bodies ability to assimilate nutrients effectively, thus resulting in a lot of nutrient defiance related to health and our ability to control toxic exposure related to detoxification.
All this stress is depleting our ability to digest and assimilate nutrients, It’s not what we consume in out nutrition, it’s what we assimilate.
If you want to improve digestion you must couple it with support to ensure a friendly environment of your digestive system.
Improving HLC (Hydrochloric Acid) Production in the stomach to aid in digestion is where we start.
Managing stress, reducing and eliminating pro reactive foods and getting rid of your bad lifestyle habits will also be of great help.
Following a simple step by step digestive enzyme assessment protocol we are able to directly address and dictate any digestion issues related to HCL production in the stomach.
If you’re failing to digest food correctly you may experience symptoms like
An imbalance in the levels of “friendly” and “unfriendly” bacteria in the colon, and a malfunctioning ileocecal valve (waste matter in the colon can be mixed with useful material in the small intestine and eventually be absorbed by the body) can result in dysbiosis.
- Dysbiosis- weakens our ability to protect ourselves from disease-causing microbes.
- Common term leaky gut, This effect a large amount of the population when it comes to health and fat loss goals
According to Dr. Leo Galland, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, the following symptoms might be signs of leaky gut:
- Chronic diarrhoea, constipation, gas or bloating
- Unexplained weight gain
- Bloating and intestinal aggravation post eating
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Poor immune system
- Headaches, brain fog, memory loss
- Excessive fatigue
- Skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
- Cravings for sugar or carbs
- Arthritis or joint pain
- Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD
- Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn’s
Certain foods and specific supplement protocols may assist in the correction of leaky gut.
4. Detoxification Liver Support and Immune Response Analysis
You should practice consuming foods that are loaded with fiber such as vegetables, fruits.
Fiber promotes right passage of substance all through your digestive system and provides the right stability for your stools.
Balancing out soluble and insoluble fiber intake.
Fiber intake is essential to fat loss, BUT
Removing toxins from the body is Phase 1 and Phase 2 Liver dependent.
The liver needs certain amino acids and minerals from our nutritional intake to complete these important functions.
To be able to process toxins correctly in their insoluble form to soluble form for excretion is what the liver, gall bladder, bowel and kidneys role and all play a vital function in this part of complete detoxification.
Below is a simple chart of what we make sure your body is getting to perform the functions correctly.
Failure to obtain these amino acids and minerals from your nutritional intake will severely affect your body’s ability to lose weight, gain lean muscle mass and obtain over all wellness, health and vitality.
Next to talk about intake of adequate fiber.
It may sound obtuse to talk about, But one of the main questions we get to ask our clients is how well do you know your SHIT! (Sorry to be crass)
This is the most neglected part of human health that people fail to address when focusing on their health and weight loss.
You should be pooping every day, if you are not there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed and should be treated with importance.
Your detoxification pathways are not effective.
Your poop is your septic tank and it how your body rids itself of toxic load.
The ideal daily consumption of fiber must be at least 30 grams.
A healthy diet consisting of fiber is useful in lessening the danger from increasing possibilities of contracting diverticular disease, heart ailments as well as colorectal cancer.
LIVER FUNCTION and its connection to detoxification and waste product removal is essential for obtaining a lean and health body.
Your body needs certain amino acids and nutrients to perform its corrective functions for weight loss and health if your liver is not effectively functioning you will not remove toxins from your body effectively, this is a direct correlation to how someone is passing stools.
If you’re not passing stools appropriately it can be a direct sign that your liver may need some support in passing nutrients to the bowl and intestinal track to help support stool elimination.
5. Bio Signature Hormonal testing
Tight Fitness Solutions consultations are based on the BioSignature Method.
BioSignature goes beyond standard body fat testing and reveals your blueprint for faster fat loss!
Bio signature body composition has a direct approach to where you store body fat is a direct correlation to what hormones need to be taken a closer look at.
- Glucose management
- Long term exposure to stress
- Thyroid conditions
- Testosterone and estrogen dominance
The Biosignature approach is radically different, generations more advanced and exponentially more effective than alternative solutions. Yet for all that, it is simple. Bio Signature is a specialist look at ‘Body Re compositioning’ the direct (non-surgical) manipulation of body fat and muscle mass!
Bio Signature Dictates a scientific method to stimulate the right hormones you need to stimulate rapid body fat loss and lean muscle gain.
Following direct training, nutrition, and hormone balancing supplements, you will emerge leaner, stronger, healthier and happier.
Tight Fitness Solutions Bio Signature coaches use revolutionary methodology to quantify your exact body composition goal. Through a scientific body fat analysis, Bio Signature removes all the guesswork out of why you haven’t or are not getting the results you should be getting.
Once your goals have been divided into the measurable elements we can control, we are then able to prescribe a synergistic combination of:
- Body Recompositioning Dietary Protocols.
- Body Recompositioning Strength Training and Metabolic Fat loss Programs
- Strength Coaching
- Continued Training For Fat Loss
- Nutritional Supplementation
- Hormone Balancing Supplements
6. Blood Glucose and Glucose tolerance testing
Out of control blood sugar levels can lead to serious short-term problems such as hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, or diabetic ketoacidosis. All effecting and contributing to weight gain, Fluid retention and body fat control.
In the long run, uncontrolled blood sugar can also damage the vessels that supply blood to important organs, like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves
Uncontrolled blood sugar is related to insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome is closely associated with obesity; however, it is possible to be insulin resistant without being overweight or obese.
Signs you could be insulin resistant
- Lethargy (tiredness)
- Hunger
- Difficulty concentrating (brain fog)
- Weight gain around the middle (belly fat)
- High cholesterol levels
- High blood pressure
Causes of insulin resistance
- If you are overweight or obese
- Having a high-calorie diet, high-carbohydrate or high-sugar diet
- Sedentary lifestyle – taking little physical activity
- Taking high doses of steroids over an extended period of time
- Having chronic stress
- Having Cushing’s disease or polycystic ovary disease
In terms of what is happening inside the body that causes insulin resistance, researchers have observed that insulin resistance occurs in people that have:
- High levels of insulin circulating in their blood
- Excessive fat stored in the liver and pancreas
- High levels of inflammation
Measuring and monitoring blood glucose levels and assessing a glucose tolerance test will be able to determine how you are clearing glucose from the blood stream.
Are you clearing glucose from the blood stream effectively for fat loss and health or are you insulin resistant and the glucose that is converted from the food your eat being utilised into fat cells.
Or are your suffering hyperinsulinemia meaning your producing to much insulin from the pancreas to clear blood sugar.
Hyperinsulinemia, is a condition in which there are excess levels of insulin circulating in the blood relative to the level of glucose.
Meaning there is more insulin in your blood than sugar, Insulins job is to transport glucose into muscle cells, when there is excess insulin to glucose this is called Hyperinsulinemia.
While it is often mistaken for diabetes or hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinemia can result from a variety of metabolic diseases and conditions.
Symptoms of hyperinsulinemia
- Tired after eating
- Sweating after or during meals
- Weakness
- Confusion
- Blurred vision
- Forgetfulness
- Nausea
- Light-headedness
- Palpitations
- Hunger
- Fatigue
Complications of hyperinsulinemia
A number of complications may occur as a result of having hyperinsulinemia and these include the following:
- Increased uric acid level
- Raised triglycerides
- Atherosclerosis
- Weight gain
- Hypertension
- Type 2 diabetes
The end game
The long-term goal is to achieve an optimal HbA1c of 4.5% or less than 5.0% which equates to an average blood sugar level (or 4.6 mmol/L) or less that (5.4 mmol/L) to a stable and consistent level.
7. Heart rate variability for stress response
8. Blood Pressure
Why Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and Resting Heart Rate

Download Your FREE Nutrition Guide
We do recommend supplementation for our clients. Here are just three important reasons for this:
Without proper digestion, vitamins and minerals do not get absorbed efficiently. Signs of poor digestion are heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation, fatigue, bad skin and poor liver function, to name a few. Ultimately, bad digestion suppresses the immune system and provokes disease. In this process, fat loss and muscle development are also seriously compromised.
Stress is an accepted epidemic of the North American world. It is also a legitimate contributor to weight gain, illness, and fatigue. Chronic stress uses up vital nutrients, stresses organs, fattens us, eats away at muscle and ages us prematurely.
Depleted Food
Current farming, packaging, shipping and refinement methods have depleted our foods of nutritional value. As well, contamination of foods through additives and environmental toxins are another burden that our bodies must bear. From the soil to our plate, food is depleted and damaged.

Meal Plan Development & Nutrition
(Bio Signature result after 15 weeks)
We specialize in combining BioSignature Modulation alongside nutrition profiling and strength training protocols to determine and truly individualized effective nutrition plans for both private and corporate clients.
Nutrition analysis and planning
Healthy Fat loss protocols
Sports/Fat loss nutrition
Digestive and healthy hormone support
Supplementation and Dietary protocols
Detoxification support
Most of our clients engage in on-going nutritional support consultations and analysis. This allows us to monitor your progress and implement a progressive nutrition program that will fit your lifestyle and be something you can maintain for a long period of time. No crash diets just direct guidance into creating a healthy body.

Bio Signature is for you if:
You have specific parts of your body where you store fat
You Have hormonal issues related to weight gain
You have been training with little or no results
You are wanting to excel muscle growth
You are wanting healthy and sustainable fat loss.
Looking for proven methods to reduce body fat and keep it off.

FAQ’s About Bio Signature
Normal nutrition consultations will last 30min BUT you initial consultation may take up to 60min. In every consultation NOT just your first you will have you Bio Signature assessment completed and assess your current body composition. A 12 site skin fold assessment using Harpenden calipers and the Bio Signature software will determine and will give you a current body fat percentage and lean muscle mass reading and report. Also using the Bio Signature software will give you a indication of what hormones are staggering your fat loss and optimal health goals. From these measurements we can then start to assess and and plan your progress and results with a easy to follow step by step process.
Nutritional consultations are based on the latest research regarding nutrition, supplementation and health. With a simple BUT very effective step by step process plan together Tyrone and you will develop a life style plan for attacking your nutrition to get the results you want. There is no dieting, No ineffective fat loss regimes. Just science and application. With Tyrone’s qualification of being a Metabolic Nutritionist, and a certified Sports Nutritionist through the International society of sports nutrition plus with personal experience with what works you can be assured you will be offered a great service.
We recommend that you complete the first 4 steps in a routine of once per week. After the first four steps have been addressed you can step your consultations back to every 2 weeks is sufficient but weekly is recommended and optimal.
Everyone will notice a improvement in mental clarity ,energy and immediate improvement in quality of life. Although it will completely depend on your current life style, genetics and body fat levels. Most people that undertake structured training with Tight Fitness Solutions will experience 1% of body fat loss per week. Clients that do not train with us and only participate in nutritional consultations can expect to lose 0.5% per week in almost every individual.
If your goal is adding lean muscle mass clients can expect to add 0.5kg of lean muscle per week, sometimes even more depending on individual and training routines.
When you have reached a target % of your fat loss goals .muscle gain or when you are happy with your progress you can stop your consultations. We do recommend that you have follow up consultations once every month to assure your current lifestyle is not taking over your health and new found body image. Research shows that people who monitor there body fat have more success than people who do not measure and record results and efforts.
Yes! We recommend every 4-6 weeks should be effective of keeping your new found health and body composition in check. We want to keep you accountable for your efforts and don’t want your lifestyle to take you back into poor health and vitality.
Yes! Because activity and exercise plays a major role in fat loss, muscle gain and over all optimal health and vitality, It is highly recommended that you participate in our semi private personal training programs that tailor to your specific needs. These personal programs and coaching sessions can take into account any specific issues you might have regarding injuries or any other health related problems but still the most effective training possible to reduce fat of your body without the concern of new injuries or aggravating any other issues that you have concerns about. We might be even able to help reduce any injury related problems you might have. We can assure you that training at Tight Fitness Solutions will be far superior than training at home or at a gym or with any other personal trainer. We know that our system of two sessions per week is far more superior than three or four session with any other training service. So we want you to be involved with our training services for best possible results for you. Be sure to look at our testimonial page related to fat loss and injury problems.
No! But with the system that we use at Tight Fitness Solutions people who are receiving great results to fantastic results is with the incorporation of specific practitioner range supplements to optimize your body and health. We do only recommend the best for our clients so we only use practitioner range supplements like the Poliquin brand.( Because we personally know and trust the manufacture. ) If you chose not you use our supplements then the others we recommend are Thorn, Metagenics and Thorn Naturals. Because the supplements we use are top of the line for quality and because of ethical reasons we will only recommend the best products that you are going to put in your body, so due to quality they will be a little more expensive than you inferior supplements you can buy at supermarkets or health food stores.
Because everyone is different and individuals respond differently, Sometimes your progress may be slower than someone else. We ask that you trust in us and our step by step process as it has been proven to work time and time before. But there may be some instances that you will require additional services. This is your first step in influenced activity and exercise activity. This is where our semi private personal training sessions become a powerful influence on your results.
Other services may be routine blood test or food intolerance test such as IgG/IgA food intolerance test may be needed to assure your results as impaired blood values of certain minerals and gut health may be a issue that is restricting your results.
What the Experts Have To Say
- “Bio signature is one of the most advanced, noninvasive methods available to rapidly and accurately identify insulin resistance and cardiovascular risks. This allows for onsite effective medical treatment decisions.”
Dr. Mark Houston MD, MS, FACP, FAHA, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Director, Hypertension Institute, Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee - “Bio signature offers a rapid assessment tool of one’s hormonal health to individualize and monitor the patient’s protocols to achieve optimal metabolic health. It combines the best of Ayurvedic, Chinese and Western medical systems has to offer to the patient.”
Dr. Abbas Qutab, M.D., D.C., N.D., D. Ac. - “Bio Signature is a revolutionary tool for the clinician who wants to individualize metabolic healing by designing protocols that have the greatest success.“
Dr. Suzanne Mack MD, North Texas Institute of Functional Medicine
Erin’ Story

I had always been pretty fit and never really worried about my weight until a few years ago when I was diagnosed with pcos. My doctors put me on progesterone pills to help ‘reset’ things. Whilst it did help with that I also put on 10kg in a month! I started pushing myself harder at the gym and restricting what I ate (at the advice of doctors) but this only made the situation worse and I put on a further 15kg over the next year. Nothing I was doing was working due to my hormone imbalance but I kept pushing. It was really disheartening that the doctors advice wasn’t helping me either. I honestly thought that I would have to live like this for the rest of my life.
I felt like crap most of the time (low energy, depression, mood swings, headaches, pain, insomnia and the list goes on). I was at war with my body and mind and my self esteem was at an all time low by the time I came to TFS.
Since starting at TFS I have been educated on how to best train & eat with my condition and have seen massive improvements. My mindset has completely changed! Training and nutrition have become my life now and not just some new fad to help me lose the weight. My energy is higher than it has been in years, I no longer suffer from headaches, mood swings or depression. I am sleeping better, my pain has improved massively as well.
The constant support from Ty and everyone at the gym has kept me motivated as well as my weekly Biosignature/Nutrition consults. I now feel amazing, I have seen huge fat loss results, my pcos symptoms are under control and I feel like a completely different person.
Instead of always being focused on ‘I’m just training to lose fat/gain muscle’ I am now focused on improving my PBs,
Still have a way to go but I am finally heading in the right direction!! Thanks again Ty