1: You have Food Intolerances
Food intolerances, can cause digestive upsets bloating diarrhea and destroying gastro intestinal health and diluting hydrochloric acid in the stomach making it harder for the body to digest food properly, The main symptoms of food intolerances are the ability reduce body fat even through correct diet and nutrition. Bloated stomach and increased fat in the lower abdominal,
People can develop intolerances to any number of foods. The most common I see when I test people is eggs, dairy and Whey protein powder. Food intolerances are invisible to your senses but may cause a range of slow-onset symptoms that are seemingly unconnected to specific foods until you are tested. Most people are oblivious to food intolerances until they have a comprehensive type IgG allergy (food intolerance) test.(Blood Test) The test tells you which foods to exclude from your diet. The foods that are causing you hold onto body fat even though these foods would be considered foods that may be healthy for you and considered foods that will help you get lean but are actually making your efforts harder by bringing you results to a seizing halt. If you are intolerant to the foods you are eating you will simply not get the results you want. At Tight Fitness Solutions we use functional medicine to test for these intolerances to make sure your optimal body composition can be achieved.
2: Haven’t tried a new approach
Many people simply can not loose weight or body fat is because they do the same thing over and over again when it comes to exercise and nutrition, The most common mistake I see people do when it comes to loosing body fat is they start eating less, The thing is with reducing calories is you only get a short term effect, By reducing calories you set the body to reduce it’s metabolic rate there for slowing down your metabolism, In long term your body will go into survival mode and start storing fat as a safety net for energy.
The key is with fat loss and retaining the loss you make is to turn your metabolic rate to high buy eating the foods you are genetically designed to eat. Consuming a better-based form of nutrition, These food plans are detailed out in our nutritional consults, In a step by step manner to ensure we make a constant change to your nutritional habits to get you leaner happier healthier and keep you that way.
3. Lack of sleep
There are a number of ways that lack of sleep may interfere with weight loss, particular hormones that control appetite can be disrupted by lack of sleep, and this can have a significant effect on weight gain. Extensive research has shown that sleep disturbance can have a significant effect on the metabolism of the body. Lack of sleep can cause changes in the metabolism, disrupting hormones that control appetite and the way the body burns calories.
A study done by Charles poliquin suggests that getting a good night’s sleep is key to staying lean and avoiding a thicker midsection. And this is especially true for women.
A study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology in 2010 looked at the relationship between sleep habits and body mass index. The study tracked the sleep habits of 3,473 subjects – 1,585 men and 1,888 women – between the ages of 33 and 45 for a period of 15 years. findings suggested that sleep is associated with BMI and other body composition variables” and that the effects of sleep duration are more apparent in women than in men. “short sleep duration may be a risk factor for overall and abdominal obesity.
Sleep deprivation causes increased insulin resistance causing weight to be stored around the middle of the body. Try a cup of Chamomile tea before bed. It calms and relaxes the restless mind and body and acts as a mild sedative. Avoid eating for two hours before bedtime as an active digestive system will stimulate the body.
4. Hormonal imbalances
Sometimes the reproductive hormones in our body get out of balance. Sometimes even due to factors outside the body. For instance, a range of chemicals that has oestrogenic activity exist in environmental substances such as plastics, cosmetics, and even our drinking water. These substances have the potential to interfere with the balance of hormones within the body. These are called Xenoestrogens.
Xenoestrogens are foreign estrogens. They are estrogen mimickers that affect the estrogen in our bodies and can alter hormone activity
Using cosmetics , skin lotions, creams, soaps, shampoo, with parabens, Phthalates and phenoxyethanol benzophenone, methyl-benzylidene -as a preservative are going to effect you body’s hormonal levels and cause you to hold fat.
Read more at Suite101: List of Xenoestrogens – Chemical Estrogens: How to Avoid Xenoestrogens
5: Attitude/ setting smaller goals rather than final goal
You need to have the right attitude to lose weight and get the results you want, If you are not set and ready to make the difference you have already failed, Everyone that I have helped succeed has had the can do attitude with out this you are just pissing up stream TO BE BLUNT. Be Positive set your self smaller goals 1-month goals rather than just setting 1 ultimate goal I need to lose 10-20-30 kg.
Set an approach to loose 5-6 kg in 4 weeks. Remember every journey starts with footsteps not jumps.
After you have seen success with your self the next step will be easier because you have achieved something, Success drives us forward failure sets us back.
Another way is set your self to be more healthy rather than just a weight loss phase, Long term weight loss is a life style not a phase make the choice to be healthier one step at a time change one thing about your nutrition you need to every week in 4 weeks you have change 4 bad habits.